
  • EDDA: Update 1

    Status Last month I talked about creating an AI to help with development tasks. The first post can be found here. Since then I have only got a small chunk done due to working on other projects. But luckily going to the Big Sky Dev Con gave me some ideas....


  • June 2017 Security Roundup

    June was another fun month watching security. From a sudo exploit in most Linux systems, to the aftermath of Wanna Cry to the new and exciting attacks of the month. For this month I will be focusing the roundup to the Petya attack and the Erebus attack on a web...


  • Tech on the Edge: Virtual and Augmented Reality

    Photo Credit: Cullen Steber via Wikimedia Commons The Current State Virtual reality and augmented reality have had a rocky start. Virtual reality after over a year of being out to consumers still has issues getting large pieces of content. While augmented reality has choked from the cancellation of Google Glass...


  • Secure OS's Part 4: The Remaining Vulnerabilities

    The operating system is vulnerable from many surfaces. Systems like Qubes OS and Tails have started on their way to creating a more protective system for users, but still have some way to go. Modern systems should be looking at these for ideas and inspiration. Even the hardware the system...


  • Secure OS's Part 3: The Effect of Hardware and Software

    Previously I discussed the reasons that we need to secure operating systems. We have also covered how current systems work towards security. The next step is to see what is left as a security hazard. Of course the hardware is a risk, and the software running on top of the...