EDDA: Update 1
Last month I talked about creating an AI to help with development tasks. The first post can be found here. Since then I have only got a small chunk done due to working on other projects. But luckily going to the Big Sky Dev Con gave me some ideas. In addition I have spent more time thinking through the architecture. Since this will be posted on GitHub, I am wanting to ensure that it has a stable and extensible structure from the beginning.
EDDA is a large system. Even creating the module system for handling tasks will take quite some time. I hope to have at least one portion of the system done by the end of July, and hopefully a good working portion done before the next semester starts. Of course, work comes first, and some of the other projects I am working on put this on the back burner, so we will have to see.
The project will also be going live sometime this month on GitHub. Currently there is only a small piece of documentation there, so I would like to expand that and also get a skeleton for the structure up before making the repository public.