
  • Toolsets, Dotfiles, and Ramblings

    Working on projects takes a lot of time. Time that we stare at a screen and type away, click buttons on GUIs and otherwise are immersed in our environment. Everything we do goes through some sort of toolset, some sort of imposed environment. The tools that we generally use have...


  • Clean Code

    I have recently been reading a book called Clean Code by Robert Martin. I have found much of this book extremely interesting from the perspective of a student and a software engineer. Working on smaller projects, especially academic projects, many parts of the code are definitely not clean. Code smells reign, but...


  • A Student's Case for Version Control and Backups

    Introduction We have all been there. We make some changes and a while later, it turns out something was deleted that shouldn't have been. Or maybe the server we are working off goes down, and productivity starts to grind to a halt. Version control and backups help with these conditions...


  • The Death of a Programming Language

    Introduction Anyone who has been around programmers or software engineers in person or online for long enough has heard the line: "X is finally dead." or "X will be dead in Y years." It seems to be a pastime of many to declare languages dead. But will these languages really...


  • An Internet-Wide Call to Action

    Introduction This week is an important milestone for the internet. Today is the Internet-Wide Day of Action trying to speak out against net neutrality. While this could stray into a political discussion, and spur dissonance between parties, it is an important topic for purely technical reasons. In addition to the...